Professional Mental
Health Support

Plumm offers therapy and coaching from accredited professionals. Invest in your team's wellbeing and watch your business thrive!

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You’re in good company – industry leaders rely on our solutions

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Customised support

Our accredited experts provide personalised advice to help teams achieve their goals.


Flexible access options

Your team can schedule sessions on weekends, evenings, and holidays – it’s all at their own convenience.


Always confidential

Everything discussed is private, so people can feel comfortable using the service.

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Work with the right expert

With a global pool of  200+ therapists and coaches to choose from, you can connect your employees with the right expert that specialises in addressing their specific issues.

From burnout and conflict resolution to leadership development, our matching process ensures your people receive targeted support.

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An evidence-based approach

Promote holistic wellbeing by addressing both the mental and emotional aspects of people’s health. Our qualified therapists and coaches use the latest evidence-based techniques.

This ensures your teams get the guidance they need to build resilience, enhance self-awareness, and successfully navigate personal and professional challenges.

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A huge range of clinical expertise

Your team deserves top-tier support. That's why we rigorously screen every therapist and coach to ensure they're accredited professionals and an ideal match for Plumm.

With specialists spanning over 12 diverse fields – everything from psychotherapy to financial wellbeing – we’re sure your team members will find their ideal therapist.

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Privacy you can trust

We take confidentiality seriously. Anything your employees talk about with a therapist or coach is kept between them.

But we want you to understand how employees use the service, so anonymised usage data is made available in your analytics dashboard.

See What People Say About Plumm

  • 0 %

    Return on investment
  • 0 %

    Better onboarding experience
  • 0 X

    More engagement than an EAP
  • 0 +

    Therapists and coaches