Nip Problems in

the Bud

Our whistleblowing feature helps you efficiently address team concerns, boost morale, and create a culture of trust.

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Encourage transparency

Anonymity is built into TrustLine so people feel safe to report concerns or misconduct.


Mitigate risks

Early detection of issues lets you fix them before legal, financial, or reputational consequences.


Promote accountability

Clear reporting channels and follow-ups ensure concerns are always addressed promptly.

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Completely anonymous reporting

The privacy of your team is guaranteed, so staff feel comfortable sharing concerns and reporting any misconduct they’ve discovered.

This offers real value to your business as it helps you address concerns internally – safeguarding your public reputation.

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Resolving issues is smooth

Plumm TrustLine offers powerful management features such as automated case assignment and updates.

This makes it simple for HR and compliance teams to track, investigate, and resolve concerns efficiently.

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Works the way you want

TrustLine adapts to your workplace structure. Manage user roles and permissions so cases get automatically assigned to the right person. 

With customisable categories, case templates, and notification reminders, you can streamline your resolution process to suit your needs precisely.